Monday, September 21, 2009

Truly Blessed!

I truly am blessed... I have many things that I am thankful for but My parents are by far the best!!! They are helping me out and getting my vehicle fixed. I have been with out a vehicle for almost 7 months. Let me tell you, if u have never been with out a vehicle it is the most inconvenient thing. Always needing a ride, always asking to borrow a vehicle. I was lucky to have my brother and brother -in- laws trucks to drive when needed.

I am finally starting to see my life get better and better day by day!

oh yeh and....



  1. YAY! I'm glad they were able to help you. Here's to FREEDOM!

  2. Just remember that God never said that life would be easy, just that he is ALWAYS here with us to carry us through the rough patches. Love ya girl. Glad things are looking up for you.
