First off I want to say THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU soooo MUCH!!! YOU, My readers/voters:
My blog is ranked #32 out of #250.. I'm so happy!!! Again THANK YOU!!
Check out this sexy man! This is my hubby!! who dresses up so nice!!
and... of course this HOT MOMMA!! lol I love dressing up!
Here is whats been going on at the Colvin Coop
We "harvested(?) our garden
Except our potatoes are still growing
and then our abundance of cucumbers
This tomato plant was growing in our gravel drive and Jason dug it up and stuck it in the garden and its still growing and doing great!
We baked the corn (Pinterest suggestion) it wasn't too good.. we aren't sure if the corn wasn't picked soon enough or this method was a fail
My in-laws gave us Zucchini..
of course I tried another Pinterest "suggestion"
But the fried zucchini I didn't get a pic of was YUMMY!
Think we made enough no bake cookies? lol
For the corn try cutting off the ends and leaving it in the husk and throwing it in the microwave for about 5 minutes. Let it cool off then it just slides right out of the husk and on to your is delicious! Easiest way I have found to make corn on the cob!