Friday night we decided to go to the gas station, get some hot chocolate/cappuccino (for me) and drive around town and look at Christmas lights. We Headed towards the park and Kobe saw the Star by the entrance of the park. He yells in excitement.. "MOM!! Do you see that star? That's the star for Jesus when he was born in 'Befla-Ham'." I was shocked he even knew that. Then he tells us the WHOLE story of Bethlehem. Chase and I looked at each other with big smiles because we had no Idea Kobe knew all this. I had tears in my eyes hearing my son tell this story in his sweet little voice. Every time he said "Befla-ham" my heart would melt even more :) So of course I had to get on the phone with my mom right away and let my mom hear him tell this story to her too.
A friend of mine had asked earlier in the week if Chase, Kobe and I would like tickets to the Journey to Bethlehem. It had been so long since I had gone and I really wanted Chase to experience this so I told her we would love to go. I almost got a sitter for Kobe because I was afraid the Roman Soldiers would scare him lol. But after he told us the story of "Befla-Ham" I knew he would love it.
Sunday we headed to the parade and FROZE just standing out there for 30 minutes when we got home I told Chase I thought we would skip the Journey to Bethlehem because it was soooo cold. But the longer I sat there and thought about how I would regret skipping it I told Chase we are going and we are just going to have to bundle up lol. Our time for the Journey wasn't til 9PM so about 8:30 we started to bundle up and head to the Journey. I thought several times we were crazy for doing this lol. But to be honest it was not bad. My Nose was FROZEN but other than that I was almost hot from all the layered clothing lol.. We stood by alot of fires during our journey in Bethlehem lol so we stayed warm. Kobe LOVED it.. He was soooo into it.. He was really good considering it was way past his bedtime. I was soo glad we went. I wanted Chase and Kobe both to experience the Journey of Bethlehem. The both loved it.
Props to all the men, women and children who take the time to put this on for us we really appreciate it.